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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Technology - the play station portable and the iPod video

By Romeo Bauer

The new iPod video was one of the most surprising products of 2006, due to the fact that iPod didn't include the video feature, since the launching of the 5th generation of iPod in 2005.

Still, the natural comparison the customers (and not only) made was the one between the play station portable, also known as the PSP and the new model of the iPod series. PSP is basically a handheld game console which was produced by the company Sony Computer Entertainment, back in 2004. The public's reactions to this new device which was rather different than almost everything on the market was very good, due to the fact that the small device allowed customers to play famous games, and, at the same time, watch clips.

Comparing the batteries of these 2 devices or, better said, the life of the batteries, it is a fact that the PSP device lasted much longer than the iPod. While playing a movie, the battery of the iPod dies after almost 2 hours and a half, while the PSP battery lasts up to more than 7 hours, which is a big plus.

Comparing an audio quality, it contingency be pronounced an actuality which both an inclination yield a great audio quality; still, an iPod video incited out to yield a somewhat clearer receptive to advice than a fool around hire portable. This is due to an action which an audio in an iPod video record is encoded in to AAC audio. Upon an alternative hand, a PSP seemed to have some-more drum in a little cases, yet overall, a disproportion was not which applicable as well as significant. A video peculiarity of a 2 inclination is an additional theme estimable to plead as well as discuss upon. It is well known an actuality which a PSP has a most incomparable screen.

Comparing the 2 devices, it is obvious that they both have advantages and some flaws. Even though the video calibre seems better on the iPod video device, the PSP presents a longer life of the battery and faster ways to encode videos. Still, the iPod is a smaller device, so it is natural that some features are not that optimized as in the case of the PSP. Even more, due to the fact that it is smaller, the iPod is much easier to transport and to use in various occasions. The studies even showed the fact that both items are sold mostly in pass periods, meaning the fact that the customers use them as an entertainment item in their both summer and winter holidays.

The 2 devices, even though they are similar in many ways of their practical usage, present both pros and cons or advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the customer's needs and desires, they can choose the one that best fits their necessity, available time or quality expectations.

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