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Friday, February 27, 2009

Using Of Wrinkle Creams, You Can Look Young Into Your Old Age

By Jen Hopkins

Aging is a natural process which is unavoidable for every living organism and as far as human beings are concerned it can be delayed with a healthy life style and good food habits. We are living in a modern society where personality of any individual is gauged through different aspects and physical appearance plays an important role in it.

The sign of aging starts from face with the appearance of fine lines which remind us about our age whenever we are in front of a mirror and there are many disadvantages associated with this symptom. In case of women who are more beauty conscious are trying with different creams without any success.

If you are in a job that requires you to look young, you feel the pressure more than the rest of us. Jobs such as movie star or receptionist value those who look young, so keeping your face looking younger for longer is in your best interest.

There are no cures for wrinkles. Trying to hide wrinkles is your best bet in getting rid of them. Since aging is not reversible, prevention is your best bet. Applying a wrinkle cream before wrinkles start showing up or just as they do start showing up will make you look younger for longer. You can keep your glowing face into your old age with a simple application of lotion every day.

A wrinkle cream helps by hiding the wrinkle lines on your face. There are many ways to do this, and scientists working at different companies have come up with many different ways. Using both oils, collagen and smaller particles of silicon to help fill in the lines, they become almost invisible.

To try and help those with deep wrinkles, so called anti aging creams have been released to the market. These creams have abrasives that remove your dead outer layers of skin and moisturize to try and remove the wrinkles. However, the market is now inundated with the products; so many consumers are confused on what they should use.

According to various skin specialists, a wrinkle cream with Vitamins A, C, E, and B3, alpha hydroxy acid, sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays and has an sun protection factor of 15 or higher can be safely used on regularly and with a better life style these cream may make wonders by keeping your skin glowing even at older age.

As always, consult a dermatologist before embarking on a search of creams. They can help to advise you on which ones you should avoid because of your food allergies or allergies to certain dies. Do not take your face lightly; only use what is best for your skin so that you can look young even at an old age.

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