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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Beginners Workout - What to Look for, and What to Avoid

By Dan Lawsenn

When I was 18, I won a free gym membership in a raffle and decided I would get myself into shape. I'll never forget the first time I stepped into that gym - there was so much equipment, most of which I had no idea how it worked or what it could possibly be used for.

It's a bit overwhelming if you've never been in a gym environment, and it's very hard to determine where you should start on your own. I slowly learned exercise routines through watching other people at the gym and paying close attention on the movements they were using to build muscle.

If I would have done my homework, and developed my ideal beginners workout, I feel I would've been better off. Now that I have the experience, I like to help pass that along to other newbies that may be just beginning their workout routines.

Coming up with a beginners workout can be both exciting and rewarding. You can very easily do this if you have good information. Begin with the internet, but be sure you're taking advice from credible sources, and not the average Joe.

There can be many fitness goals for people. Some want to bulk up, some want to tone up, and some want to lose weight. These are just a few of the main goals, but there can be an infinite number of these. It's critical that you choose a beginners workout routine that matches your goals to get the most satisfaction out of it.

Cardio and weight training should be a staple in whatever fitness goal you may have. Other things will vary, such as weight being lifted, exercises performed, and concentration. As a beginner, you should test a few different exercises and choose the ones that you feel best performing. You want to stay clear of those exercises which could get you injured.

There are 3 areas you need to be aware of when choosing a beginners workout program. These are an nutritional guide, motivation and goals, and an exercise program. You won't get your ideal results in you don't address all 3 of these key points.

Be cautious when choosing a beginners workout routine. While the internet can provide a ton of information, you must be selective and only take advice from reputable sources to get the most out of your program.

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