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Monday, February 02, 2009

Hair Transplants - The Real Truth Uncovered

By Jay Bateman

Hair transplants are complicated procedures. They are expensive and the surgery will have an impact on your body just like other surgeries. Yet, hair transplants can restore part of your hair and make you look better. Before you decide to get one done, make sure you learn about them in advance.

In order to get a good overview of the steps involved in getting a hair transplant, I have compiled a list of three steps that you will likely have to go through when you decide to get a hair transplant done.

1. A strip of hair is excavated from the back of your head. Before this happens, the back of your head will be anesthesized. This strip of hair on the back of your head is resistant to the balding hormone called DHT. The hairs that are yielded from it, maintain their resistance, even when transplanted to another area of your scalp.

2. Since the hair transplant involves carefully placing tiny groups of hairs back into your scalp, the strip of hair is dissected into grafts. A medical team carefully cuts the strip of hair into tiny groups of one, two, three or four hair follicles. These grafts are later used in the actual transplant procedure.

3. Once the medical team is done dissecting your hair strip, there is a collection of hair grafts available for transplanting. Before the actual transplant procedure begins, the doctor makes a number of tiny openings in your scalp. He can either use a medical instrument or a precision laser for this. These openings are little wounds that will hold the grafts. Over the next few hours, the medical staff will implant the grafts into the openings.

These steps pretty much summarize what is involved in getting a hair transplant. The hair from the back of your head is DHT resistant and is therefore used in balding areas of your scalp. These hairs are obtained by dissecting a strip of hair that comes from the back of your head. The grafts that this procedure yields, are implanted into tiny openings on your scalp. When these openings heal up, the grafts are firmly in place. The hair from these grafts then continues to grow normally.

After your transplant is complete, the hairs will continue to grow normally for two weeks. Then, they fall out due to something called shock loss. This is normal and not something to be concerned about. It is simply a reaction of your grafts to the operation. After a while, the hairs will continue to grow normally and uninterrupted all your life long.

All in all, hair transplants can be a great way to improve your looks. There are consequences involved, so do your research before getting one done. There are many pictures of celebrity hair transplants available on the web, so you can have a look at those before taking the plunge yourself. There is much technological process and hair transplants are getting better and cheaper all the time. So make comparisons between the hair transplant clinics that are available near you.

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