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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Videos Are the Way to Go

By Richard Guzman

People have seen more competition since they have started to market their businesses online. There is no doubt that it is very challenging because it is so competitive. Marketers are given so many tips and techniques they have to determine which strategies will be the most effective for them.

One of the most important strategies is branding yourself so that you stand out. Remember people join you not your business opportunity. Ask yourself do you have the answer to solve your prospects problems? Can you offer them something that they will find so valuable that they don't even want to look anywhere else? Can you offer them a proven system that will help them generate high quality leads?

One of the most effective ways to get exposure is videos. Showing and sounding sincere, concerned and real will really help you make a strong connection with people. They will feel you are talking only about and to them. In addition, you are attracting people that can identify with you and your personal stories. This is how you build relationships and how people start to trust you.

Over time you will have customers that will buy whatever you are selling because you have built a strong relationship with them and now they trust your judgment.

This is a perfect example of Camtasia. Statics show that offering your potential customers a product or a system they can actually see will help create a massive increase in your online sales.

This appeals to the masses because there isn't any extensive training or education required to make a powerful video. However, if you are uncomfortable at first to be in front of the camera you could develop a power point video teaching people step by step how to use and set up a variety of systems. The step by step videos have proven to be a highly effective way to help people. Think about it this way, it is as if they are sitting next to you and learning right from your desktop.

Some people are still a little unsure how Camtasia works. This is understandable because this is new to them. Here is an overview

In a single click it can record your desktop activity, this alleviates saving and compiling all your files.

Next, convert your videos onto web pages. Then you can direct all of your traffic there.

People respond very well to videos so the conversion rate is very high. They feel a connection because they can visually see and hear what you are saying. People find reading articles, blogs, and simple text not as personal and therefore the conversion rate is significantly lower.

The key to this is exposure you want to be as visible as possible so after you upload your pages publish them in blogs, RSS feed and podcasts. Obviously, you want your Camtasis videos getting mass exposure Advertising is essential because this will help you reach out to the masses. This is important because these are your future customers.

What else can you do with your business program using Camtasia? You can...

You can develop multimedia presentations that include all of the senses because it has been proven when all of the senses are used sales increase.

This also reduces a lot of skepticism with the customers that are harder to please.

One way to reduce refunds and minimize a lot of your problems and complaints is to make a step by step video demonstrating how to use your product properly.

When you are promoting affiliate products for example mlm's and services use visual presentations. After the presentation direct people straight to your website. Another effective marketing strategy is putting your site location at the end of the video. This will remind them to go immediately to your website for additional information.

Try to keep miscommunication with your customers at a minimum. Don't cut corners explain in detail your affiliate program. Doing that should eliminate most of your problems.

Camtasia can be very helpful in your niche market and business. Remember the main purpose of using Camtasia is to generate more income from your program. If you are on a limited budget and are unable to purchase a software program like Camtasia search the net for similar software that is free.There are plenty of great programs although they may not be as sophisticated as camtasia they will record your screen in a flash!

An alternate to Camtasia is the DemoCreator. The DemoCreator is an easy-to-use screen capture application. The difference between the Camtasia and DemoCreator is the Camtasia is based on the time line, and DemoCreator is based on the recording slides.

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