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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Six Pack Ab Models - How Do They Do It?

By Dan Solaris

You've seen them, they're everywhere these days. Demonstrating the latest fitness gadget on TV, on fashion spreads showing-off the new line of swimsuits, even on advertisements for the latest designer scent. Those six pack ab models. And the question on the minds of the countless masses with the soft tummies is: "How do they do it?"

Getting Achilles-style abs or a tummy like Tyson Beckford's and 50 cent's has long been a fantasy for many- an unreachable dream that a lot of frustrated gym goers have given-up on. Most people pass it off to good genes or a grueling workout regimen. Fact is, anybody can get ripped abs. It just takes a basic knowledge of physiology, a proper exercise regimen and eating smart. Equal parts of these three comprise the recipe for ripped abs.

The secret to developing abs of steel is actually no secret at all. It's just a combination of a little physiology and common-sense. Incorporating fat-busting citrus fruits and nutritious munchies into your diet is a small step that goes a long way. Squeezing-in moderate intensity cardio exercises with your weightlifting routine does wonders in making your six-pack dreams a reality.

Total body exercises that keep the heart rate at 60-70% of the maximum are the most effective for burning belly fat- experts have discovered. These burn the most calories from body fat rather than from carbs and glycogen (needed for muscle building).

Another useful not-so-well-known fitness fact: the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn even while watching Letterman (without the bucket of chicken, of course). It's called metabolism and muscle tissue increases it by burning calories even with no movement.

Ab models, as you already know, didn't get their physique from gorging on fatty snacks and gulping down soda. Their diet is not as strict and oppressive as one might think however. Simply substituting chips and chocolate bars for omega-3 rich nuts and fat-burning citrus fruits will help a lot in getting you closer to your goal.

Most people have the notion that the less food you put into your system, the less fat you become. Skipping meals? No, this is not what six pack ab models do it. The human body actually loses less fat when it's starving. It's an evolutionary thing from our caveman days. Our bodies try to preserve stored fat by slowing down our metabolism and getting energy from other sources like glycogen and, gasp! Even muscle tissue.

Knowledge of how our body works, a proper workout program and eating smart- this makes up a recipe for six-pack success that anybody with the right amount of determination can use.

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