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Sunday, March 01, 2009

Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

By Dan da Silva

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look young as you get older, in fact it is perfectly natural,as is the use of anti-aging skin care products to help achieve this effect. We achieve this with anti-aging products that synthesize the production of the protein collagen. Collagen is related to other Substances called anti-oxidants which help reduce the anti-aging process.

Although the benefits of vitamin C (an anti-oxidant) are well documented, it is still debated as to what our daily amount should be. Vitamin C formulated skin care treatments suffer with a particular problem of oxidizing on contact with the air which causes a problem for users and manufacturers.

More stable skin care treatments are now available that are almost as efficient and actually cost less to manufacture. Unfortunately the anti-oxidant products used to replace vitamin C are not as effective but as vitamin E and lipoic acid can both have the same effect; this is not too much of a problem.

It is found in the blood it is an anti-oxidant that is also used to increase the body's defense against other diseases. Another, lipoic acid is in every cell of our body and is used to generate energy for us to live but also helps reduce and reverse the skin's aging process.

Another group of products used to reduce the visible signs of aging are phytochemicals which are compounds extracted from various plants and used in many anti-aging skin care products. Another benefit, like that of alpha-lipoic acid, is their ability to reduce the prevalence of certain cancers like prostate, colon and breast cancer.

For some time now it has also been known that the vitamins B5, B6 and B12 also have anti-aging skin care properties. Although the area of anti-aging skin care products is huge, more is being learned about the whole aging process and about natural products that can reduce the effects it has on our bodies as well as our skin.

There is no doubt that what has been learned so far is only a small part of the jigsaw puzzle but research is moving forward rapidly and it is only a matter of time before a new generation of products becomes available. There may be many challenges still to overcome but in time scientists believe they will succeed in producing more effective anti-aging skin care products that are less expensive and available to more people.

We must not forget however, that there are many more natural methods we can all use to reduce the signs of aging on a regular basis. Natural methods are known, but few actually follow them.

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