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Monday, January 19, 2009

Ring Tones For Your Cool Cell Phones

By Alf Artagen

You might have the best cell phone in the world, but if you haven't got the ring tones to match, you might as well give up and go home. The coolest cell phones nowadays are not complete if they don't have the ability to blast out cool ring tones or the latest MP3's for that matter.

Your cool cell phone is first and foremost a device for communication right? Wrong - today communication takes a back seat to all the other features that are crammed in to the phone.

A cell phone with many great features is an absolute must, but when it is only capable of playing if you are lucky polyphonic ring tones, then the phone can never truly be a cool one.

A few years back, the only sounds we could hear on our cells were monophonic ring tones, how did we survive back then?

When polyphonic became widely available, the choice of music and ring tones available for download shot through the roof.

At first switching from mono to polyphonic was more expensive for the consumer. The switch created huge demand for the new phones and fierce rivalry to have the latest and best ring tones around.

It is just a natural chain reaction that would eventually lead from the MP3 cell phones of yesterday to the full out multimedia cell phones of today that can store up to 40 hours or more of movies on board.

Sure, service providers may play a big part in the choice of a cell phone, but what plays an even more pivotal role is the ability for the most amount of features at the lowest rates.

Many cell providers have resulted to selling the latest and greatest cell phones for mere pennies in exchange for a locked in contract period.

Luckily in today's day and age though, all you need is a USB 2.0patch cable and you can transfer any song you want to your cell phone. What will be the next big step in cell phone technology though; that is the real question.

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